International Parkway Right (IP Right)
The project includes the replacement of the existing left-hand exit flyover bridges with a right-hand exit solution. The benefits of the right-hand exit approach include safety by better meeting driver expectations, minimizing construction-related impacts to passengers, and modernizing the International Parkway infrastructure. In summary, the International Parkway Bridge Replacement portion of the project includes:
- Removal of existing flyover bridges to Terminals A, B, C, and E
- Construction of new right-hand exits to four of the five terminals (Terminals A, B, C, and E), including 13 new bridges founded by drilled shafts and demolition of 12 existing bridges
- Construction of associated roadway and ramp connectors
- 44 MSE walls, some of them are hybrid type MSE walls with drilled shaft foundations
- All subsurface utilities in the project’s footprint will be replaced, rerouted, or repaired as necessary.
- Removal and replacement of the North Airfield Drive Bridge over International Parkway.
- Installation of new high mast lighting poles with lowerable light rings by means of a motor internal to the pole.
- Installation of new LED lights.
- Installation of new infrastructure including power pads and equipment; duct banks; cables/conductors; pull-box plazas; etc.
- Removal of existing poles and power equipment; demolition of existing power pads, handholes, manholes; and demolition of existing pole foundations to a depth of 3 feet below grade after the new system is operational.
- Construction of the project in sync with IP-Rt Project construction
- Storm sewer system modification per the new roadway configuration.
Dallas Fort Worth International Airport
Dallas - Fort Worth, TX
Services Provided:
Quality Assurance
Project Cost:
Completion Date:
Contracted Responsibility:
Majority JV Partner